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In the infrastructure division, we selectively secure investment opportunities for infrastructure assets that can generate predictable long-term cash flows, such as roads,
power and gas supply networks, power plants, schools, hospitals, and data centers that are essential to the national economy and society. We make investments based on
a detailed due diligence process through close cooperation with domestic and foreign partners. Professionals in charge of managing our infrastructure division have performed
various leadership roles in the relevant industries in their past careers, such as in banks, insurance companies, mutual aid associations, securities companies, construction
companies, developers, management companies, and investment advisory companies. These professionals diversify deal sourcing channels based on a high level of
understanding of the dynamics between various partners, such as beneficiaries, advisory companies, and total underwriters, as well as the position of a management
company. We secure selective investment opportunities through diversified analysis, and can carry out efficient business performance through our enhanced negotiating power.


Project Fund

Our project fund selects and invests in various infrastructure project debt and equity investment opportunities sourced from professional domestic and foreign institutions and partners.

Overseas Fund of Funds

To achieve stable long-term investment returns, this fund selectively discovers and invests in overseas GP discretionary funds with proven track records in the overseas infrastructure sector.

Pinestreet GP Discretionary Fund

As a GP discretionary fund operated by Pinestreet, this fund selectively discovers and executes investment opportunities in the overseas infrastructure sector according to the guidelines that reflect the investment propensities and strategies of beneficiary institutions.